Friday 5 April 2013

Even further Experiments-Wizard head

From previous experiments and testing, it is clear that I have been struggling to create this character. From looking at online imagery I have made a few mood boards of inspirational makeup looks.

The initial idea to hide the hair of this character was to have it slick back to the head, but this seemed to be repeated through a number of my looks, further development of this resulted in the idea of having a head piece below. From looking online the ideal way to create this look was through the use of a hijab. A hijab was found in a local shop and will be used for the shoot. As seen in the bottom image here, I think the use of the silver neck piece looks really effective. This will be considered in my final look.
As the Wizard Head is painted I wanted to express this through the use of texture and brush strokes, the images found resemble this.

Below is colourful lip designs, blended together with a gloss.
The eyeshadow below has been applied using brush marks, bright lips were added to this, but feel the two do not complement each other.

The use of cross hatched eye shadow was also a test to see how this worked on the eye. I feel with the lips and eyeshadow draw attention away from each other.

I decided to putthe hijab on to see if this would help inspire me, and make my looks look complete, However the eye makeup below is slightly to swan princess style.

After hours of practising, I thought more inspiration was needed, I looked at a diverse range of images to help.

After many test and experiments, I think this character has been overthought, so the curved eyebrow will be the main focus with a red lip that has a touch of gold in the middle, this will match will the highlights of gold on the face and neck.

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