Friday, 12 April 2013

Wizard Fireball and poppy shoot

The makeup for the Wizard Fireball is below, however the colours for this will be have shades of red, orange gold and black to resemble the fire. The eyebrows in the image will not be used. The neck piece also will not be used and the neck will be coloured black instead.
I have decided to try to get 4/5 looks from one shoot. As previously discussed in a tutorial with my teacher she mentioned using the poppies and have them coming through the lips, I thought the makeup would start of with just red lips and then develop to red neck and red lips, to fade the poppies in on photoshop.
The fireball look will then develop on from this, with a black neck and black lip, this will then be pushed further to having black strokes coming up the face and then eventually, shades of orange red black, gold and yellow will cover the face. This will hopefully show in stage how the fireball is glowing..
The model for this look is Irina Coitriou, a model also found on model mayhem. She has dark hair and this will complement the red and black.
The photographer for this shoot again is Tanya Farrell.

I had previously done a test to see how strong the spray colour will come out, however this was only a test on my arm. When actually spraying the colour on the neck proved easier than first thought. The coverage of the red was amazing.

The look below is the first look for the poppies, the poppies painted over easter will be edited on the lips through photoshop. The rest of the makeup is natural as I want the main focus to be on the lips. The hair is slick back behind the head for a clean smooth look.

After the above shoot, the neck was spray red, this photographed really well, and resulted with a strong image. This was then sprayed black and a black lip was added, for a striking look and this was the start of the Fireball.

This was developed further and stroke were added up the face, as you can see the black has started to crack and red is showing through, this could have been prevented, and testing should have been done, to ensure this wouldn't happen on shoot.

Colours were then added into this look and brought up the face.

At the end of this shoot, I felt the makeup wasn't as good as it should have been, I felt as if it doesn't look professional and isn't neatly done. I should have resprayed the neck as it was left cracked by the end and ended up with it being patchy.

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