Tuesday 23 April 2013

Reflection and editing- Scarecrow

When looking through these images I felt as though they were not up to the highest standard, but as time was moving on, I had to make do with these. After speaking to my tutor she reassured me these were good enough to use. 

Below is examples of the hair as I had originally planned, as you can see the hair didnt work with this look and the shot choppy wig was added for a much more fitting hairstyle.

 I had edited the lip as I felt it was lost in the image. I fussed over this for ages trying to make it look natural, after eventually doing this, it was shown to my tutor again, and she said she preferred it before, so this was then removed.

From looking at the images. I strongly believe it was the right choice changing the hair of the scarecrow.
The dark background really creates a strong contrast and the focus is immediately drawn to the model.

If I was to do this shoot again, I would still change the hair again to something which is more editorial like the image below.

I feel this is a much more editorial high fashion hair style, and feel it would have worked well for this character.

The final images of this shoot will be found in the book. 

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