Monday, 8 April 2013

Tutor feedback

As it has just been the Easter holidays I was hoping to have all my shoots done by now, but as I only managed to do one shoot in the holiday I am not at the stage previously planned.
I showed my teacher the work I have done and she said she loves the scarecrow, she thinks the lip is rather sensual and likes this aspect.
She has told me to play around with the rhino head a bit more, she suggested lengthening the neck.
My tutor was a bit confused as to why I had added a page of painted poppies and didn't understand how this linked with makeup, she suggested possibly adding them into the lips and making it a beauty shot as this would still resemble the story line. I think this is such a good idea and so glad she has suggested this. I didn't think to show her the Emerald city after this was suggested and started to think of a way I could interpret this into a look.

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