Friday 26 April 2013

Reflection and editing- Poppies

Once looking through the images of the poppies I felt the red neck looked really strong. Below are the paintings of the poppies, and then the edited poppies on photoshop I have spoken about in a previous post. 

 I edited the poppies so they came through the lips of the natural makeup, and felt this wasnt strong enough, so I tried with the red neck and felt this made a really effective image.

My tutor had suggested to just have the lips cut out on the page as shown below, this then had the poppies coming through them. I felt as though this wasnt a strong enough image. So I carried on with my next idea of the poppies on the neck.

As you can see from the image below the red hair spray worked really well, the coverage is very even and smooth. 
I initially started editing the poppies just on the neck and then later adapted this so it was on the lips aswell. It worked better with it on the lips and neck so this will be a final image of mine.

To improve this shoot I would have painted the poppies on the skin, but due to time this was not possible, however I feel it has worked really well and is rather effective this way.

The final images of this shoot will be found in the book. 

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