Saturday 20 April 2013

Reflection and editing-Spider Monster

 I chose to use 3 images from the photos taken. It was only in the stage of the project I realised how important model choice is. The model used seem to have quite a few dark hairs on the face, this was a lengthy process trying to make her skin a smooth texture. 

The makeup has also been edited and only now I have realised the flowersoft used on the face wasn't equal, this was unnecessary editing as it should have been perfect anyway. You can see from the two images below the editing to make the flower soft equal. A dark gradient has also been added to make the photo have a darker aura, this also suited with the Spider Monster character.(this is not shown here)

I looked into different ways to make this look seem more like a spider. A way of doing this was through post production, the following images were found and feel the idea of 8 arms is quite effective.

Another mistake was the models nails, she has actually had them painted pink, but these needed editing on photoshop to black. On the day of this shoot I did actually bring a Black nail varnish with me, but didn't think the hands would be in it. If I had planned thouroughly about all the possibilities for this shoot before I could have had the models arms in a number of different positions as shown above. Below is a rough test to see if this I knew how to do this on photoshop. For the final image I changed this to a different one and it was then edited in the same way.

If I was to do this shoot again, I would choose a different model, and make sure the makeup is of a higher standard as well as paint the nails black, even as a precaution.
However after the editing, I am very pleased with this image. I think the poses in the below image come across almost sensual. The image with the 8 arms is quite disturbing but I love this and the impact it will have on the viewer.

The final images of this shoot will be found in the book. 

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