Thursday 25 April 2013

Reflection and editing- Rhino beast

Once looking through these image I was really happy with them,
However I felt as thought the model resembled a unicorn more than a rhino, I did not use the second horn I has originally made, and do not understand why I didnt, I should have gone with my instinct and used it, as I ended up editing a second horn onto the model. This again took a lot of time and it could have been prevented.
I feel I definitely made the right choice in editing a second horn in. This image was cropped so none of the top is shown. The neck was also lengthened, to compensate for the long horn.

After trying to figure out how to make the character have five eyes I came to the conclusion to do it in post production. I tried to figure out ways to blur the heads together to make five eyes.

I looked at Andy Warhols print as a form of inspiration. The idea that Elvis is repeated and the faded is really interesting and this was considered when editing my photos.
I originally started of with the image below, tests were done before the photo had been cropped and edited, just to see what worked best.
I experimented with copy, layering, cloning and opacity to see what was best.

I showed my teacher the photos I had edited and she loved the image below, however I felt this was not of a very professional standard but she insisted I edited it a bit further and use it. I did in fact scrap this whole image and re do another one with slightly different faces, this is one of the final images used.

To improve this shoot I would definitely have used the second horn as this distinguished the rhino from a unicorn. When looking through some of these images it was clear also that some were not in focus, this is a fault of the photographer but I obviously would have liked them in focus, I did ask her at the time if they were in focus and she seemed to think they were.

The final images of this shoot will be found in the book. 

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