Tuesday 2 April 2013

Scarecrow shoot

The makeup for this shoot is below, but as previously said this will be without the straw and the eyebrows will be squarer as this arched brow seems to be repeated through out some of my makeup looks.
The hair style and poses are in the moodboard below.
The model  for this shoot is Aimee Loosley, she is a friend from home and has done modelling before, she has long blonde hair which could work well with this character.
The photographer for this shoot is Panduka Ekanayake, I have collaborated with him for previous work and seemed to work well together.

 I initially started with the models hair up in a ponytail as seen in the moodboard, we took a number of shots of her with her hair like this but something wasn't working with it, the photographer thought the same  looking back now it is because her hair wasn't long enough when it was up but luckily I had brought a  back up plan.The short choppy wig I found when rummaging through my teachers cupboard came in handy. This instantly made the look work so much better.

The look below is a shot off my phone with the models hair up.

The hair was changed to the wig below and this has had a drastic impact on this image.

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