Sunday 24 February 2013

Finding photographers and stylists

I haven't done much collaboration before as I felt I haven't been confident enough with my work. But I have put myself out there and through friends and word of mouth I managed to get hold of a photographer who was willing to work with me, however she soon let me down as she had too much work to do. I then asked around again and managed to get a photographer for my first shoot. Her name is Priya Shukla, she is a first year so I am a bit worried about the standard of her work especially as she is just starting out. I have asked to look at some of her photographs work and she seems quite good. But to be honest I am quite good when it comes to angles and composition within a photo so hopefully I can give some guidance if needed.

I haven't actually been able to find a stylist. I have posted on the Southampton Solent notice board to see if I will hear from anyone.

I have also sent out an email to a few of the lecturers so they can forward it to their photography students and see if anyone is willing to help me for my other shoots .

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