Wednesday 27 February 2013

Experimenting- china clown

The china clown is a character that has been broken in many places an pieced back together.
I went to the craft shop to see if I could find anything that could help me explore this, I can across mosaics and thought this could be interesting for my look. I spoke to my teacher about my findings and she thought this could be very effective on a darker skinned person. And I had a good model in mind for this look.
I firstly thought to do some testing.

I haven't previously worked on a person with darker skin so thought I should see how well the colour comes out.  This model doesn't actually have dark skin, but have made it darker by using the darker foundation. As you can see I have use the mosaic pieces around the neck, which I think works really well with the skin colour. The aqua blue and bright yellow were lost against the skin, however the white lips really did pop out.

I used the turquoise again on the lips and left a gap down the middle to go with the idea of her being broken and put pack together. I used orange and red on the cheeks, but again I think this colour is lost against the skin colouring.
I tried a mix or orange and purple lips so the colours were clashing but still feel this look hasn't turned out how I had hoped. I think having a darker skinned model for this look may have to be rethought.

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