Saturday 23 February 2013

Experimenting-spider monster

I decided to move on and start creating the spider monster look. I went back to my sketches and recreated a look from here. I had been to a crafts shop and found some black beads to help with this look.

I decided just to make my face white without any shading or blending at first just so I could see how the beads looked on my face. I didnt like how they were laid out here and I have decided I dont want to use as many as in this look above.
So I then decided to try a different look still using these beads.

I decided to start of with the beads just on the eyebrow and go from here. I decided to shade the cheekbones in a dark red/pink to keep in with the characters evilness. I decided to draw some eyelashes on underneith to make the spider seem hairy and then used the beads on the neck aswell. I thought this look looked better than the last.

I next decided to experiment with lip colour. The first I used a pink that went into a black, keeping in with the shading I had previously done. I thought the pink on the lip was to bright so I did the top lip with a hint of pink and the bottom with a darker pink. I also added a bead to the face, but later realised I didnt like this as I think it made it look almost drag like.

I then opted for an all dark purple lip as I thought this had more of an impact. After looking at this look I still wasnt happy with it and thought it was too pretty and didnt resemble the character like I wanted it to. I feel the spider monster needs to be hairier so I will carry on experimenting with this look.
I quickly and very roughly shaded a hairier character onto my face before I went to sleep.

This is the sort of look I want to create for my Spider Monster, obviously neater and more added. but it is clear this is more like the character than the previous look I created.

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