Sunday 24 February 2013

Experimenting-Guardian of the gates.

The next character I wanted to create was the Guardian of the Gates, he is clothed all in green and even his skin has a greenish tint, the image below is one that inspired me for this character.

I like the eyeshape of this look, but I will add shading to the rest of the face. I have created the facechart below

I shaded the rest of the face but this is hard to see in this photo, I wanted to add bottle green pieces of fake glass around the eyebrows.

 I have created this look on myself, and I used a gold lip and black liner.  I have also shaded the neck and chest to resemble the idea of green skin.

In the book it said about the Guardian of the gates having whiskers so I tried to represent this by using the dots on the face, whoever I feel this doesnt work well on the face.

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