Sunday 24 February 2013

Experimenting- Tin Woodman

I had previously shown this facechart to my teacher. The face would be silver with this brown texture on the face, to represent rust. I also thought about having it all in silver to see how this would look with the texture.

My teacher advised me to get some lentils and stick them on the face to see how this would work.

I made the face silver then used black eyeshadow to shade the cheekbone. In this photo the eyes seem slightly green but this isnt what they are supposed to be like. I stuck the lentils on the eyebrows and this has worked quite well, I went over them in silver.

Below is the process of sticking on the lentils, each time I have added a few more.

This is the look I think looks the best.

I added lentils to the lips but I feel this is too much.

I decided to remove some of the lentils, I feel this doesnt have such a good effect as the previous images.

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