Friday 1 March 2013


The next look I was testing for was Dorothy, I wanted her to almost be doll like, as I think this would be quite suiting for her character.

I decided to use pink of the cheek bones, and then use a yellow above the eyelid, I gave  Dorothy a blue eyebrow in a soft curve shape. I thought this would create a subtle feel to the look but I feel the blue eyebrow and eye shadow is to harsh for her. The Pale lips I feel work better than the darker colour.

I tried to block out Dorothys eyebrows to see if this would soften the face, however the black eye liner representing eyelashes are too harsh aswell as the strong blue and pink eyeshadow.

From previous experimentation I decided that the colours I had been using were not suitable, so yellow, blues and reds were used. However I still feel this isn't the right colours for this character and looks as though it would be more suitable for the scarecrow.

I created the above looks but feel as though the colours are still too harsh so I need to expand on my kit and buy a bigger variety of colours. 

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