The next character I am going to experiment with is the Wizard beast. This character has 5 eyes and the head of a Rhino. I have a link to my pinboard of inspiration of my images.
I have briefly used fullers earth before and remember it can be quite effective. I tried to recreate what resembles a rhino skin. I used a dark grey/ black over the top, I really liked this effect of the fullers earth. The way it has cracks resembles the idea or a rhinos dry cracked skin.
Here I have used gelatin to try and create depth and to create the look of wrinkly skin, I then tried this on the face to see what it would look like.
I decided to make the face white, and then used the gelatin above one eye and then decided to further this across the forehead. I used the dark grey to shade over the gelatin and a dark grey on the lips, to resemble the colours of a rhino.
I thought I would also try adding some blue lips and blue shading into the look to give it more depth.
I found doing the gelatin on myself was quite hard as it I had to have my head up to see what I was doing. It would be easy to do this look on a model, and hope it turns out better.
For the hair I was thinking about making a horn out of the hair to resemble the rhino.
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