Tuesday 12 March 2013

Wizard beast shoot

The makeup look for this shoot is below, a final test for this look hasn't actually been carried out, but the testing of the face mask on the neck was really effective.
The model for this shoot is Jessica Lawrence, who was found through model mayhem, her face has really good structure and she has strong features which is perfect as she is representing a strong character.
The rhino horn matches her hair colour so hopefully will blend in nicely. The photographer for this shoot is Tanya Farrell who also shot the cowardly lion. I have looked at previous photo shoots online at others who have used hair piece and I am unsure whether a black or grey background will be more effective so I have asked Tanya if we can try both.

This shoot went really well. The rhino horn looked amazing on her, and as a test shoot hadn't been done, it turned out better than originally planned, I used the dark red lip with gold shimmer which is also on the neck.

Below are some images taken on my camera phone from the shoot.

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