Monday 4 March 2013

further experiments- china clown

I have rethought my model for this look, and decided to use someone with a white skin tone. I feel the colours would show up better against a white base and really stand out.
I have previously ordered a purple and orange wig so this will help when doing the makeup for this look.

I used a white base for this look and decided to have different coloured eyebrows, as this character is a clown. clashing eyeshadow was also used with yellow cheeks and a pink lips. I feel these colours work well together, but I still need to express the idea of the china clown being broken and put back together.

Below is the final makeup look. however I felt this wig needs to be larger and make more of an impact.
I have been online and ordered 4 more purple wigs, luckily these wigs were only £2 each so I didn't end up spending to much more. They also don't look too synthetic under the light so they should look ok in the studio. I have then sewn the 5 wigs together to make this giant masterpiece. It has definitely turned out better than what I thought so I am looking forward to using this for my shoot.

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