Saturday 2 March 2013

Further experimentation-wicked witch

I have decided to rethink the wicked witch look as I have seen someone else do a similar design, and as I have been looking online for inspiration I feel there has been a few sources which have created a look similar with the eyelashes down the face.
I have decide to look over previous research and came across Madame peripeties work which I am rather influenced by. Two image in particular interested me these are below.

I blocked out the eyebrows for this look and then used the hair extension to cover the eye. I tried to give the idea that the other eye was stronger by adding the white eye shadow and eyelashes to make it look as though it was bigger. I outlined the lips in black to go with the dark hair. I feel this look has worked a lot better than the previous look I tried for this character. I love how she looks disturbing due to her having one eye and I can imagine this look fits in well with the role she plays in the book.
I also thought about trying the eyelashes above the other eye just to make sure I was 100% sure on the makeup look. I feel with the other eyelashes over the hair extension this takes away from her disturbing appearance and makes her appear more 'normal'.

This is the final look for this character.

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