Friday 1 March 2013

First shoot - spider monster

I had my first shoot today with my model Hannah, Hannah's face is quite structured and has strong features. She has dark thick hair which I think would be perfect for portraying this character.

Priya Shukla was my photographer and who I previously spoke about. I sent her a mood board of the type of lighting and poses I am after. I want a black background as the character is a monster and feel this would help express the darkness within this character and would go well with the makeup.

I feel the shoot turned out really well, I changed the lip colour from a dark red to a black as I felt this had more impact. From what I have seen from the images they look really effective and seem to have capture the look quite well. I will edit these and then post them.
Here is a shot from the shoot, I have just taken this from on the computer for the moment.
If I was to do this shoot again, I would really like to have a stylist and have something extravagant for her to wear as I feel this would really make the photo. But hopefully the head shots will be good enough.

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