After panicking thinking the book wasn't going to be printed in time, it was sent to me with six days to spare. Once I receive the book, i was extremely nervous, the hard work that I had put in for the last 4 months was a finished product. I had decided on a light grey cover that fades into white. I chose this as I wanted it to be simple, and didn't want to reveal to much of what was inside. The book was a lot thicker than i thought but this added to the sheer size of it, it felt like a bible of my work. Unfortunately I was disappointed when looking through some of the pages, I noticed a few of the images looked as though they were slightly clouded, I cannot understand what this is. The other thing i noticed was the colours were not as bright as I had hoped, particularly the poppy shoot and the cowardly lion, I used a white foundation on the models face for this shoot which looked perfect on the screen but as this printed out darker i noticed a few flaws, the application didn't look as smooth as I had hoped. After speaking to my tutor he explained this is because computers had a back light making the images seem brighter. After speaking to my peers, they explained they couldn't see anything wrong with the images. I think this is because I know the vibrancy of the colours of each photo that I could tell this was not right. However there was nothing I could do to resolve this issue, a test print with the company could have prevented this happening, but unfortunately due to time and money this was not possible.
I feel my time management should have been planned better but I didn't realise how much work I had set myself when choosing to do an A3 book as each image had to be edited to the best of my ability due to the size, every flaw of the makeup and skin would have been noticed. Looking back at the images I still have noticed a few flaws but I just did not have the time to check every image was edited perfectly. I now have a new found respect for retouchers.
Overall I am extremely happy with the book. The size of it really has a huge impact when looking through it. I feel the different text sizes and fonts really add to the book. I feel I have learnt a lot through the journey of this book, and feel I have gained a lot of confidence when collaborating with others.