Monday 21 January 2013

Final Term, Final Project!

Today was the first day back to university after our hand ins and since submitting my Final Major Project Proposal I still wasn’t 100% happy with my idea. The theme was Fantasy and I was going to look into a number of subgenres such as Dark Fantasy and Mythical Fantasy, I wanted to create a range of creative images around these themes. I soon realised there are many subgenres and my idea was just too broad but I couldn’t work out how to narrow it down so I went to my tutor for some direction. Luckily for me the rest of my group didn’t turn up so I had a full 2 hours with my lecturer, from reading through my proposal we decided to keep to the idea of fantasy and explore into the book The Wizard of Oz, this is still in keeping with fantasy and surrealism which was spoken about in my proposal. The characters in the book help narrow down the concept but still allows me to explore and experiment different looks and ideas. My tutor bombarded me with artist’s names, photographers and a number of other inspirational sources so I am going to start researching, wish me luck!

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